C (48/301)

From:Nicholas Clarke
Date:27 Aug 99 at 15:45:24
Subject:Re: AW: Amiga Guru Book

From: Nicholas Clarke <nclarke@diku.dk>

On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Radoslav Hodnicak wrote:

> > AFAIK this book does not have an ISBN number. You could try ordering
> This book is sold-out since some time. I've asked Mr. Ossowski about an
> electronic version of it, but he told me the demand is too low to do it.
> Maybe contacting Ralph Babel directly would have some effect. As far I
> know, it is already in Tex, so there is no big work to do. It would be
> very nice, if everybody could download it, but that ain't gonna happen :(

I have the book in rtf format or most of it. I haven't really checked to
see whether it is complete as I lack a decent rtf viewer.

And dont bother reminding me about the legal problems involved.
